Financial planning and mental health

Financial planning and mental health

Financial planning and mental health, there’s a link and it’s a positive one. In this video, I look at three reasons why financial planning is good for your mental health. When you have a plan and know where your money is going, it gives you a sense of control and...
Decision making under uncertainty

Decision making under uncertainty

In business, it’s essential to make decisions quickly and efficiently. However, Decision making when things are calm is not the same as Decision making under uncertainty. In this video, I go through the the steps you need to take to make rational decisions when...
How to Write a Financial Plan

How to Write a Financial Plan

How to Write a Financial Plan for Your Business is this weeks topic.  Are you a business owner who is looking to create a Financial Plan for your company? If so, you’re in luck! In this video I will be teaching you how to write a business financial plan that is...
How to budget your money

How to budget your money

How to budget your money is vital when times are challenging, and when times are good.  A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It can help you save money and make better financial decisions. Creating a budget can seem like a hard task, but it...