Financial planning and mental health, there’s a link and it’s a positive one.

In this video, I look at three reasons why financial planning is good for your mental health. When you have a plan and know where your money is going, it gives you a sense of control and security. Having a regular routine around budgeting and spending helps to reduce stress levels and anxiety. Finally, by being proactive about your finances, you are taking steps towards improving your overall wellbeing.

Mental health is often a taboo topic. Few people want to talk about it, and even fewer people want to think about it.  But the truth is, mental health is an important part of our lives. Just like our physical health, our mental health deserves attention and care.

Good financial planning can help protect your mental health and improve your overall well-being.  Watch to find out more

So, if you’re interested in protecting your mental health, keep reading for some tips on financial planning.

Grab our FREE cashflow guide and take a step to improve your mental health through financial planning

Worth knowing

Preserve your mental health by changing your attitude to money. Your approach to money can affect your mental health.  Moreover, when you’re worried about money, you don’t necessarily connect with it and manage it well.

Consider reframing your money mindset, create your own future financial story plans

And if you’re still feeling lost or don’t know where to start, our team at I Hate Numbers and out sister company Numbers Know How are here to help.

Are you ready to have an easier and more rewarding relationship with your numbers?  My book, I Hate Numbers helps you get there.

This book is based on my 27 + years in business, helping thousands of businesses survive and prosper.  It is an easy, humorous but serious read about running a business, having a financially rewarding relationship with your numbers, Furthermore, my book will help with that battle  between the ears, that all business owners experience.

Get in touch with us to help make your life easier and stress free. Contact us