How your business deals with a recession

How your business deals with a recession

    A recession is a difficult time for any business, so knowing How your business deals with a recession is a vital part of your toolkit, It may be that your customers may have less money to spend, you may have to let staff go, and your bottom line may be...
Decision making under uncertainty

Decision making under uncertainty

In business, it’s essential to make decisions quickly and efficiently. However, Decision making when things are calm is not the same as Decision making under uncertainty. In this video, I go through the the steps you need to take to make rational decisions when...
Dealing with a cost of business of crisis

Dealing with a cost of business of crisis

    If you’re a business owner, then you know that the cost of doing business is always on your mind. But what do you do when that cost suddenly skyrockets? Whether it’s an increase in rent, wages, or material costs, a sudden spike can be...