Why you need to complete form W8

Why you need to complete form W8

Where you are not a US citizen and have money from the US is Why you need to complete form W8.  This money could be from your clients, pension income, royalties, dividends, capital gains – you get the picture. Who must complete the W8 form? Most importantly, it...
Five things when selling your business

Five things when selling your business

Five things to consider when selling your business is this week’s podcast episode. Selling your business is a major life event and has a lot in common with selling your home. There is an emotional attachment to your business that you built up. Like our homes, it has...
Tax & your self-employed business

Tax & your self-employed business

Tax, you can’t avoid it. If you are a business owner tax and your self-employed business is something you consider.  If you don’t take tax into account, ‘bites and arses’ will figure somewhere. Today’s blog will talk about the tax and...
25th Business Birthday – Wow!

25th Business Birthday – Wow!

25th Business Birthday – Wow! So it’s my 25th Business Birthday.  25 years ago I started my business Pro Active Resolutions in my back bedroom. Certainly, time has flown and it has been a fantastic journey- which has seen a lot of changes. From as far back as I...