Fix your money mindset

Fix your money mindset

    How to change your approach to money builds on last weeks episode.You can, and should change your approach to money to supercharge your finances.  If you find you don’t handle money well, don’t save money, or just don’t know how to budget, here are seven...
Five Ways to Change your Money Mindset

Five Ways to Change your Money Mindset

Change your Money Mindset if you want to handle your finances better. If you have a negative money mindset, you’ll feel like you never have enough money and won’t make sure you save money for future goals. You’ll have a scarcity mindset, leave yourself in debt and be...
Changing your money mindset

Changing your money mindset

    Money is one of the most important things in our lives, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. We often think of money in terms of how much we have, and how we can get more of it. But what if we thought of money differently? What if we...
Handling money in your relationship

Handling money in your relationship

    Handling money in your relationship is this weeks I Hate Numbers podcast.  Money is one of the biggest sources of tension in relationships. I can help you learn how to handle money in your relationship and stop the arguing. You will be able to work...
Dealing with money and relationships

Dealing with money and relationships

Dealing with money and relationships is not a topic that is often discussed.  Moreover, money is one of the biggest sources of stress in a relationship. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can learn how to deal with money and relationships and be happier....