Numbers gives you business superpowers, you should be Using customer lifetime value as one of those numbers.
In this podcast I will
- Firstly, break down what CLV is
- Secondly, how you can go about calculating it for your own business.
- Lastly, why it’s important
So, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, listen to find out more!
If you’re in business, it’s important to know how much each of your customers is worth. Knowing your customer lifetime value (CLV) can help you make more informed decisions about where to focus your marketing efforts, and how much to spend on acquiring new customers.
So, there you have it! Using customer lifetime value in a nutshell. It’s an incredibly powerful number that can help your business in innumerable ways, so make sure to start calculating it today.
In the next part of this series, I’ll take a deeper look at CLV, its power, use and what you need to do to use it. Listen if you want to increase your profits and get a better understanding of what else is possible when you wield this metric effectively.
Are you excited? I know I am! If you can’t wait for more, go ahead and listen to the rest of the podcast episode where we deep dive into all things CLV. You won’t regret it!
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