Taxes and financial planning

Taxes and financial planning

Are you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to understanding how Taxes and financial planning fit.  Moreover, how how impact your financial planning? Do you find yourself asking questions like, “How do I forecast for and build tax into my business financial plan?” If...
Understanding tax evasion and avoidance

Understanding tax evasion and avoidance

  Understanding tax evasion and avoidance is an essential piece of knowledge! Even if just to avoid prison food.  Do you Understand tax evasion and tax avoidance?  Moreover, do you know the difference between tax evasion and avoidance? Firstly In this podcast, I...
How you should budget for your tax bill

How you should budget for your tax bill

How you should budget for your tax bill is this week’s podcast theme.  If you are self-employed, a freelancer, run your own business then you have responsibility for your own taxes. You do not have an employer who takes care of that for you.  When you are...
Saving tax with company benefits

Saving tax with company benefits

Today’s topic is focused on one underused legitimate way of Saving tax with company benefits.  Pay yourself and save personal and company tax. And yes, it’s important as a business owner, you need to pay yourself.  The conventional route to pay yourself is...