How much should I charge for my time

How much should I charge for my time

How much should I charge for my time is question I am often asked.  A great question by the way If you’re like most small business owners and entrepreneurs, you’re always looking for ways to earn more money. But how do you know what to charge for your time...
What should you charge

What should you charge

        What should you charge for your services? It’s a question that many small business owners, artists, and social enterprises grapple with. Charging too much can mean you’re shutting yourself off from potential clients, while...
Understanding gross profit

Understanding gross profit

Business owners, Understanding gross profit should be on your list of need to know . Gross profit is one of the most important financial measures, this video will Firstly, explain what it is Secondly, tell you how to calculate it Thirdly, contrast mark up and margin...
What are the risks of self employment?

What are the risks of self employment?

What are the risks of self employment?  Great question.   Risks and life go naturally together. It’s as natural as ham and pineapple pizza gin and tonics and cheese pickle sandwiches.  That’s no different when you enter the world of business and you start...