Tax basics for self employed: What You Need to Know

Tax basics for self employed: What You Need to Know

      Tax basics for self employed individuals are crucial for managing finances effectively. Unlike employees, we handle our own tax affairs, meaning we must register with the tax authorities, keep accurate records, and file tax returns on time....
Self-employed tax returns

Self-employed tax returns

    Self-employed tax returns can be daunting, but they don’t have to be! This weeks I Hate Numbers podcast takes you through how to fill in your self-employed tax return for the year 21-22.  I’ll explain everything you need to know, so you can...
Money Saving tips

Money Saving tips

Learn more about five Money Saving tips. Quick wins, straightforward to implement and access. Learn more your tax entitlements and generate funds Marriage allowance Married or civil partnership, it’s all about the love, but also some tax savings to be had.  You can...
National Insurance easily explained

National Insurance easily explained

National Insurance easily explained is to help self employed, employees and employer understand National insurance. In this weeks podcast I’m going to be talking about national insurance, NI for short.  Specifically what it is why you pay how much you pay the...