How much should I charge for my time

How much should I charge for my time

How much should I charge for my time is question I am often asked.  A great question by the way If you’re like most small business owners and entrepreneurs, you’re always looking for ways to earn more money. But how do you know what to charge for your time...
What should you charge

What should you charge

        What should you charge for your services? It’s a question that many small business owners, artists, and social enterprises grapple with. Charging too much can mean you’re shutting yourself off from potential clients, while...
Understanding cost plus pricing

Understanding cost plus pricing

Have you heard of cost plus pricing?  Furthermore, do you know how to price your services and products? It can be tricky, especially when you’re new to the game. One pricing method that can help is cost-plus pricing. In this post, we’ll take a look at what...
Cost plus based pricing explained

Cost plus based pricing explained

      Many businesses use cost based pricing, or cost plus pricing but what is it?  How does it work, what are its advantages and disadvantages When it comes to pricing your goods or services, there are a few popular strategies that business owners...