What is the Accounting Matching concept?

What is the Accounting Matching concept?

The “I Hate Numbers” podcast explores the accounting matching concept, also known as accrual accounting, in finance and accounting. In this episode, we explore what the matching concept is, how it applies, and why it’s essential. We also explore its...
How to use Financial Ratio Analysis

How to use Financial Ratio Analysis

How to use Financial Ratio Analysis is part of your Numbers tool kit.  This is part of the tool kit used, the key ratios used by business owners, analysts, and investors. In this vlog I cover the four common areas used in financial ratio analysis, Firstly,...
Your financial statements

Your financial statements

Understanding your financial statements is connecting to your business story. Your financial statements are your business stories, the words those stories are made up of numbers.  Figuring out what they mean can be a daunting task for any business owner. Understanding...