How to use ratios to make financial judgements

How to use ratios to make financial judgements

    Why should you use ratios to make financial judgements?  Well, are you curious how well your business is doing financially? Or maybe you’re looking to acquire or invest in a business and want to know what to look for? Ratios are a great way to...
How to use Financial Ratio Analysis

How to use Financial Ratio Analysis

How to use Financial Ratio Analysis is part of your Numbers tool kit.  This is part of the tool kit used, the key ratios used by business owners, analysts, and investors. In this vlog I cover the four common areas used in financial ratio analysis, Firstly,...
Using financial ratios in business

Using financial ratios in business

      There’s no doubt that Using financial ratios in business are one of the most important tools that business owners have in their toolkit. By using financial ratios, you can get a better understanding of how your business is performing, and...