Mar 14, 2021 | Property Tax, Self Assessment, Tax
This blog and video looks at New Capital Gains rules for UK property, and how they affect you. Death and taxes, the two certainties in life, we can’t plan and control the first event, taxes are a different story. If you are a UK resident or non UK resident thus...
May 21, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Support, Money, Property Tax, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
Firstly, property is a business. Secondly, run it as one, because it is not just an investment. There is money to be made in property. Therefore before money starts rolling in there’s lots to think about, including: Tax return- do you need one? Decide whether...
Oct 24, 2018 | Tax, Tax Advice
Firstly property returns are made by way of income (rentals and trading) and/or capital gains. This article will focus on the capital gains considerations for an individual residential property investor, post 5th April 2018. Property gains are calculated by deducting...