Beating procrastination is a common theme in business. Procrastination is a common problem that affects many businesses, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In this week’s podcast, I look at

  • Firstly, what procrastination is
  • Secondly why it happens
  • Thirdly, how to reduce it
  • Finally talk about the positive side of procrastination.

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the tendency to avoid or delay necessary tasks or decision-making. It often comes from fear of failure, lack of motivation or interest in the task, or simply too many distractions. Procrastination can also be caused by negative self-talk from believing you can’t do the task or won’t make good decisions with it. In business settings, procrastinating on tasks can lead to missed deadlines and decreased productivity.

Why Does It Happen?

There are several reasons why people procrastinate. Common reasons include

  • fear of failure
  • lack of motivation and interest in the task at hand
  • perfectionism (striving for unrealistic goals)
  • anxiety about making decisions
  • believing that you don’t have enough time to complete tasks in a timely manner.

How To Reduce Procrastination And Increase Productivity In Your Business:

There are several ways to reduce procrastination in your business and increase productivity so that tasks will get done on time. One strategy is breaking down large projects into smaller steps that are easier to manage and complete within a reasonable amount of time. Setting specific deadlines for yourself and others involved in the project can help as well. Reducing distractions such as emails and social media can also be helpful in avoiding procrastination. Finally, rewarding yourself with small incentives after each task can help motivate you to continue working on them until they are completed.

Why Procrastination Can Be Positive:

Procrastinating has negative consequences such as missed deadlines or decreased productivity.  However,  it doesn’t always have to be viewed as a bad thing. Taking time out of your day to step away from work can give you a chance to reflect on what needs to be accomplished.  Furthermore, you come up with creative solutions for problems you may encounter while completing tasks. Additionally, taking a break can give you a chance to clear your head.  When you return back to work your mind is better focused than before giving you more energy when tackling long-term projects or difficult tasks. Lastly, having an accountability partner who checks up on your progress consistently can encourage you stay on track with your goals and tasks throughout the day.  This stops you becoming distracted by other activities or projects instead of finishing what needs to be done first before starting something new.

Conclusion and good to know

Overall, Beating procrastination in your business is key for any successful business owner or entrepreneur. You gain valuable insights into how well your company is performing financially.  As a measure of true financial success, it lags behind profit.

The I Hate Numbers podcast covers a range of topics to help serious business owners thrive, let alone survive.  From financial storytelling to tax, and more!  Every episode provides actionable advice from me, business finance coach, accountant and educator. Subscribe to keep in touch, contact me if you want my help for your business

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