Business turnover

Business turnover

Business turnover, also known as revenue or sales, refers to the financial value of goods and services sold.  This weeks video looks at Firstly, what sales turnover is Secondly, how it’s measured Thirdly, its strengths Lastly, why it is a vanity metric for...
Sales turnover – more than vanity

Sales turnover – more than vanity

    Sales turnover, or simply turnover is misunderstood, with differing opinions on its usefulness in measuring financial success.  Turnover is more than a vanity metric, it provides valuable insight into the performance and health of a company. When looking...
Measuring your financial performance

Measuring your financial performance

    If you’re a business owner, then Measuring your financial performance, keeping track of it is essential to your success.  But do you know how to measure it?  In this podcast I’ll explain two important metrics for measuring your...
Product Grouping for Your Business

Product Grouping for Your Business

  Product Grouping for Your Business is an incredibly powerful way to run your business. It gives you Firstly, great insights Secondly, lessens your financial and mental anxiety about the future Thirdly, allows you to gauge profitability with a great degree of...
The financial power of product grouping

The financial power of product grouping

Wondering how The financial power of product grouping gets you more financial understanding in your business? By looking at your business in terms of product groups, you can gain powerful insights into where your money is coming from and where it’s going. This...