The power of bookkeeping

The power of bookkeeping

      In the world of business, bookkeeping often remains in the shadows, underestimated and undervalued. However, as we delve into this episode of the “I Hate Numbers” podcast, we’ll unveil the profound impact of bookkeeping that...
How to get business growth

How to get business growth

How to get business growth is the theme of this weeks vlog.   See below, or sit back, grab some pop corn and watch the video to find out more. Talent needs application Having a talented team is essential for growing your business. But talent alone is not enough. You...
Achieving business growth

Achieving business growth

        Is Achieving business growth on your agenda? Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Growing a business is no easy feat, but with hard work and dedication, you can make it happen. Here are some tips to help you succeed: Hard...
When should you investigate variances

When should you investigate variances

    When should you investigate variances is a massive part of financial management.  it’s also this week’s I Hate Numbers podcast episode. If you’re thinking, what’s a variance, well that’s the difference between where you...