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Paperwork for Dividends: What You Need to Stay Compliant

Paperwork for Dividends: What You Need to Stay Compliant

Dividends are one of the most efficient ways for company owners to take profits from their business. However, there’s more to paying dividends than just transferring money. If you’re a director of a limited company, it’s your responsibility to be in the know about...

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How Dividends And Director’s Loan Account Work Together

How Dividends And Director’s Loan Account Work Together

Dividends are a popular way for company owners to take profits from their business, but they need to follow the proper rules.If you’re a director and shareholder of a limited company, dividends might already be part of how you pay yourself. However, you need to...

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Reverse Charging VAT Explained: What It Is and Why It Matters

Reverse Charging VAT Explained: What It Is and Why It Matters

Running a business in the UK - we know it comes with its fair share of tax responsibilities. And VAT is often one of the most confusing areas, especially reverse charging VAT. It's something every business owner, freelancer, or entrepreneur needs to understand....

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Limited Company Taxes in the UK: Everything You Need to Know

Limited Company Taxes in the UK: Everything You Need to Know

Running a limited company in the UK can open up exciting opportunities. But it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities, particularly when it comes to taxes. For many business owners, the thought of dealing with tax obligations can feel overwhelming or even...

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