Dealing with Business Risk is an inevitable part of our business lives

Risk is a part of life. For entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and small business owners, risk is unavoidable and part of our business lives. Whether it’s the risk of losing money on a new venture or the risk of not being able to meet customer demands.  Furthermore, we face risks every day. Knowing how to deal with business risk is essential for success. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips for managing risk in your business. Stay tuned!

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If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or self-employed person, then you know that numbers are a big part of the game. But what if you hate numbers? What if you feel lost and intimidated by them? That’s where my podcast comes in – I Hate Numbers. Join me as we explore everything from bookkeeping to budgeting to taxes. I’ll make it all accessible and simple for you, so you can focus on what you’re good at – running your business! And if you like the podcast, be sure to rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or your other favourite platform. Thanks for listening!

I Hate Numbers – The Book

My book, I Hate Numbers will change your life by changing your relationship with numbers. But that’s not all, the principles in this book can be applied to every area of your life for lasting change. If you’re ready to take control of your money mindset and attitude, then head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book. You won’t regret it!  And if you want even more help and support on your business journey, make sure to subscribe to my podcast so you can keep in touch. I release new episodes every week packed full of tips, strategies and insights that will help you grow your business (and sanity!) exponentially. Until next time!


So in this podcast in Dealing with Business Risk I talk about what risk is and why it matters so much to businesses, namely

  • What risk is
  • How to group and categorise risk
  • The different actions available to us when it comes to mitigating that risk.

In the next episode, we’ll be looking at specific examples of risks and how best to deal with them. If you’re interested in finding out more, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss out! Thanks for listening!

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Furthermore, my mission is to inform, inspire and educate you to get closer to your numbers.

You can make more profitssave tax and time, improve your well-being and your money mindset.

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